Love in Action Photo

Love in Action Photo
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2011년 4월 29일 금요일

team3 testimony 2

I think many of us wrote about the repsonse of the people over there. So I just want to say something about our team.
It was amazing! The best team I have ever had. I have never miss a team like this.
Serving each other with love by doing what each of us felt like to do in the Holy Spirit.
Just be ourselves and serve with a truthful heart. No comparison. No judging. No complaints.
Most important, without fear. As a man at this age, I have been comparing myself with others for almost all my life.
Sometimes I have been expected to do what I am not really are. I was trying to fulfill people's and my own expectation.
I am not supposed to be weak. I must be doing great in order to not to disappoint people around me.
As I looked at the other volunteers sent by the government, I saw fear inside. Fear to be the weakest member among the group.
Fear of being not effective enough. Fear of doing less than he was expected. Fear to be open.
The Bible say, "In love, we can take away our fear." I am so glad that we are doing all things in love during our time over there.
Making rice balls, encourage each of us with worship and God's word, checking our stuff before starting off each day,
driving, stretching our muscles, time keeping, resting, talking, laughing, playing, encouraging each other, hugging,
buying food and water, keeping money, making every decision in the Holy Spirit.
It was like in heaven, everybody do their part, love each other and love the people over there. Working together as a whole body.
"God is so good. He is so good to me." Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!


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