Love in Action Photo

Love in Action Photo
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2011년 4월 29일 금요일

team3 testimony 4


Hello. This is Takuma.
It has been only few days since we left Sendai, but I feel like it was very long ago.
I have many things that I learned and God taught me, but I would like to share 3 things.


First: God will work through small things and He will make it big.



We, 11 people worked for 5 families in 4 days. We served one family a day. I thought it is very unproductive at the first point, because we met only one or two people in a day. My heart was changed, however, step by step by God. I remember Daiki's word, saying , " Maybe, the family we worked today is only one family in many for us, but it is everything for the family." God talked to me through Daiki. Since then, I started to feel that maybe things we are doing are small, but through those small things, people were touched by God. I can not forget the word "It was a big help" from Yamaji-san, and the smile of Chiba-san family when we had done the Tatami room and the TV turned on.
I also felt that other people living in that area who we could not help, also need help so much. I felt that by seeing Takahashi-san( Chiba-san's neighbor) and the old man living next to her watching us working at Chiba's whole day and giving us drinks. They didn't ask us by words, but I really felt that they need help. I was so frustrated because I wanted to help them also, but we just couldn't help all of them. I am so glad and thankful that next team is also going to be sent at the same place. Actually I was praying that next team will be sent here. Praise God! May God's glory will shine at the place!

Second:the power of the scripture, praise, and prayer.


This team, heard scriptures a lot, sang praises a lot, and prayed a lot. We had a worship time every morning, sharing time every evening, and prayed all the time. We prayed A LOT. Sometimes, I felt like we prayed too much. haha.
But we got power from scriptures, songs moved Mr.Yokoyama and others, and everyday work was guided by prayer. How great is the power of scripture, praise, and prayer! It was blessing for me to have sharing time everyday. I learned and noticed many things through the sharing time. I was so encouraged by Daiki's word I wrote above, and hearing the testimony at Matsuda's which I didn't go.
Personally, I especially remember praying with putting our hands on the land at the site that had serious effect by the tsunami. I prayed that this broken land will be renewed and filled by praise and joy of the Lord. Let us continue to pray.

Third: How easy human made things to vanish.


We went to the nursery home that had serious effect by the tsunami. I couldn't say anything. It can not be described by a photo or a word. The facility was talking to me how bad the tsunami was with no sound. It was similar to the felling when I saw the Hiroshima Peace Memorial. I can not forget seeing the white circular stairs was bended like plastic bottles. Through seeing the building, I thought is is so easy human made things to vanish. I think many people wonder why God does these things, but when I saw this, I was reminded how God is powerful, and how big His creation is. Things made by human are easily to be washed away. God does have a power to destroy it and create it in a moment. We can not explain this disaster without talking about the creation, God's mighty power, human's sin, and the curse caused by sin. I really wish that many people, especially those who live in Sendai will know this truth.


Finally, I am so thankful for all the team members, Yokoyama family who welcomed us so warmly, and Lord who gave us such a great members and Yokoyama family. I am so glad that we could help each other with our various talents as the body of Christ.
I wish we could see each other again!!

Praise the Lord!!

Takuma(Waseda University 1)

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